Whew! It's been a lot of work, but getting this website up, running, and finally complete has been worth all of the effort. It will be an invaluable source of information for our guests. Here's a few things that have changed over the last few months:
New name established - Viking Mountain Lodge (old name - Lonesome Pine Lodge)
New website launched - www.VikingMountainLodge.com
New email address obtained- Alan@VikingMountainLodge.com
New toll free phone number secured - 1.855.VMLodge
New Facebook account created - www.facebook.com/VikingMountainLodge
New logo designed -
Are you seeing a pattern here?
In addition to all of those things listed above, there are some pretty cool features of this website. If you've poked around at all, you probably saw the password protected "Guests" section. If you're going to be staying at VML soon, you should have received an email with a link to this website and a password to get into this area. Inside is an electronic copy of the welcome book, check-in/check-out procedures, a copy of the rental agreement, and an entire section dedicated to maps and specific driving directions from VML to every point of interest mentioned in the visitor's guide under the "Things to See" link. Very cool, and hopefully, very useful to folks looking for things to do while staying at The Lodge.
You can contact me through the "Contact Us" link at the top of the page if you have any suggestions, comments, or questions. Thanks for checking us out!